Site icon Burlington Retro

50 years ago this month, November edition

Birchcrest Arms groundbreaking, Burlington MA
Elmer Morrison helps his wife break ground for the Birchcrest Arms elderly housing complex off Center Street.
Mrs. Verbanas, a Keans Road resident, accepts a booklet called “Guardians of Your Life and Property” from officer Gil Chaney.
Hubert Ruping of Maplewood Realty Trust.
Robert Bertini inspects one of his bus tires. His company has the town’s school transportation contract.
Joe Tomasino Jr. will play Marius in the upcoming production of “Fanny” by the Burlington Players and Mishawum Valley Choral Society.
William Libbey of 19 Wilmington Rd. was the guest of honor at a dinner at RCA, commemorating his 10th anniversary at the company.



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